Thought Fortunes Podcast ep 026: 10 Takeaways from the Master Storyteller Academy


By D Arlando Fortune

BARS from this episode
1. have a manifesto
  • rally behind a central set of beliefs
2. five stories that create a six-figures each
  • connect; buy; content; buy-in for the big idea; evidence of expertise
3. make an offer to continue the conversation
  • it is your responsibility
4. associations influence your “speed”
  • “You don’t live up to your potential. You live up to your identity.”
5. do not devalue your worth by limiting your thinking
  • you’re more valuable than the property you covet
6. tell your story again – over and over and over
  • influence is a result of saying the same thing to more people
7. stick with your decisions
  • when fear is your quarterback, you’re huddled around lack, lost opportunity, and weak actions
8. share the story; sell the steps
  • start looking for stories in the challenges, transitions, and defining moments of your life
9. share the details even though they don’t sell 
  • people enroll based on your universal themes
10. polarity creates drama
  • use emotions, senses, and opposites to develop impact

“You don’t live up to your potential. You live up to your identity.” – Andy Henriquez

Books mentioned:
Show Up for Your Life by Andy Henriquez
Fav quote:
“You don’t live up to your potential. You live up to your identity.”
Links mentioned: – apply to attend the next Master Storyteller Academy